Friday 12 January 2018

satatement & declaració humorous ò ò ò ò ò

a humorous look at the world of ...

declaració d *(continua m_s avall)_+-

statement in pictures

Picture 1< Is that a statement or a question? 

Picture 2< Your statement is misleading.

Picture 3< Are the following statements true or false?

Caution May contain extra pictures...

Benjamin Buchloh  on Gerhard Richter

Joan M Minguet Batllori , author

_ _ _ 

Declaraci'o d-avui ...

Aquesta 'es una dec;laraci'o rp[a[ida amb el teclat esberlat fent un estil descodificat perque[ s`ha desconfigurat des de temps immeromrials que a vegades funicna i a vegades no, com les imatges que a vegades es veuen b'e i a vegades no es veuen com si fossin ??___ hi ha car[acters que estan bescanviats.   ui ui   ui

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Update Tuesday 16th of January 2018

Photo from a statement, because The grapes of wrath,
an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939 

Una declaració com a resultat de la novel·la El raïm de la ira. Sis vegades vaga.

Six times "vaga" (strike)

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Update Friday 19th January 2018

Six times Strike (sis vegades vaga) / everyday Is Like The day ...
Segue link, (seldom) 

De fet, les dues paraules estan directament relacionades: Vaga i rei.
Actually Th
e two words Are directly Linked : strike and king, the perfect segue to the questions

sense rei 

- - -No king

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Update 23rd February 2018

Nails from around
My Nails composition statement
(((difficult to stop or control)))
August 2017, New York Nail Composition

Are you a Compulsive Nail-biter?

Nail biting, also known as onychophagy or onychophagia (or even erroneously onchophagia), is an oral compulsive habit. It is sometimes described as a parafunctional activity, the common use of the mouth for an activity other than speaking, eating, or drinking.
considered an impulse control disorder
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nail biting
especially amongst children ...
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